Agent Survey1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied were you and your client? 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied were you and your client? Needs ImprovementBelow ExpectationsAverage Just above average Excellent - Plan on using us in the near future!2. Did you find the inspector to be knowledgeable in the services they provided? 2. Did you find the inspector to be knowledgeable in the services they provided? YesNoIf selected "No" can you tell us why to help make us better? If selected "No" can you tell us why to help make us better?3. Did the inspector effectively communicate with you and your client and did the office offer timely and helpful support? 3. Did the inspector effectively communicate with you and your client and did the office offer timely and helpful support? YesNoIf selected "No" can you tell us why to help make us better or what can be improved? If selected "No" can you tell us why to help make us better or what can be improved? Any additional information you would like for us to know? Any additional information you would like for us to know? reCAPTCHA field is required please complete!